We (the Leadership Team and I) are in need of your help.  Mark Butterfield has completed his four-year term as a member of the Team, and we need a new person.  To make things easier on everyone, we have changed our fiscal year from 1 Jan. through 31 Dec., to 1 Oct through 30 Sept.  This will make things a little easier when we need to discuss the business of the church.

In the meantime, we need to keep some continuity going and are asking you to nominate a new Leadership Team member.  Nominations will be closed on Sunday, March 3, when we begin to vote.  We will also have the new budget available for anyone who wants to look at it.  We will go through this process again in September, so keep praying.  Here are the requirements we are looking for in a Leadership Team Member:  (from our By Laws)

The Leadership Team shall consist of five members referred to as the Leadership Team, including the Senior Pastor, who shall be the only Staff person on the Leadership Team.  The other four Leadership Team members shall be active Church Members selected for four-year terms by the following process:

(a) Any active member of the Church may submit a signed letter to recommend a potential Leadership Team member of good character and commitment to the mission of the Church.

b) Potential members of the Leadership Team must successfully complete a training course taught by the Senior Pastor covering their particular gifts and talents, the mission, vision and structure of the Church.

(c) Potential Leadership Team members must sign a covenant to uphold the highest standards of participation, service, supportiveness, and tithing with regard to the Church.

(d) The Senior Pastor shall present to the Congregation for approval a selection of candidates that have been certified by the Leadership Team as qualified to serve as members of the Leadership Team.

Each Leadership Team member may serve one four-year term and may serve again after a break of one year or more.  The term of a Leadership Team member may be vacated by resignation, by removal as a Church Member, or by action of the Leadership Team.  The remainder of a vacated term shall be filled by appointment by the Senior Pastor and with the approval of the Leadership Team and shall not be counted toward the limit of terms.

Pray about it.