Tomorrow (Thur., Feb. 7) we celebrate a VERY important date; it’s Bev’s birthday.

It is important to me for many reasons:

1.  Even before I was born, God was at work in my life.  He knew me, he knew her and he knew Bev and I would marry.  It proves to me that there are no  “coincidences” when you serve Him.

2.  When I was a single dad, I prayed that when I re-married, my new wife would love my girls as if they were her own, and yet allow and encourage them in their relationship with their mother.  It proves to me that God hears and answers my prayers.

3.  Bev is a better wife than I deserve.  It proves to me that God only wants the best for me – even when I don’t deserve it.

I have also said that I credit Bev’s grandmother for my becoming a Christian.  She prayed for her children, their spouses (before they were spouses), her grandchildren (before there were grandchildren) and their spouses (you get the idea).

Bev is my best friend, my partner, my wife; and there really are not very many days when I do not thank God for her.  Oh sure, there some days I don’t feel like thanking God for her, but most of them are my fault, not hers.

I hope I make her as happy as she makes me.