And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. 6  For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” Hebrews 12:5-6 (ESV)


Let’s face it; Discipline is not really fun.  In a couple weeks, I am going to join with a group of Veterans and we are going to ride across the State of Nevada (the short way), about 430 miles.  I have been challenging (read: Disciplining) myself by taking as many hills as I can.  The major weakness about my recumbent bike is how it performs on hills (it’s a pig).  As much as I love riding, I must admit, I don’t love hills, or wind.

I also don’t always love to be disciplined – especially by God.  It is difficult to admit to myself that I have a problem in a particular area.  I freely admit that I am not perfect, I just don’t like to have it confirmed and I hate to admit it.  It helps to know that God fully accepts me and He wants me to be a person He can work through.  He is pointing out my deficiency, so that He and I can work through it, and so that, in the end, I can do the things God wants me to do.  I love Him and I want to please Him and I love it when He and I get through a problem area in my life, but I still hate being disciplined.

We love the idea of the event of salvation.  Our sins are all dealt with, we are blameless, holy, made perfect – in the Kingdom.  We can embrace the idea that all our sins are forgiven.  The process of salvation at work in our lives is a different matter.  Having to admit our faults and failures and then to deal with them.  That is the most difficult part of the whole process – dealing with our sin.  Even admitting we have sinned is preferable to dealing with it.  Doing something about our sin not only requires us to admit we are deficient in an area of our lives, but it means looking for it, to be aware when it happens and above all to stop it from happening.  The result is that we are better suited to be used by God.

That is a hill worth climbing.