Glamour Instead of Glory
Therefore, brethren, standfast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 2 Thessalonians 2:15
One ominous sign in the social structure that surrounds us is the false attitude toward anything that can be called "ordinary." There has grown up all around us an idea that the "commonplace" is old-fashioned and strictly for the birds!
This existing mania for glamour and contempt for the ordinary are signs and portents in American society. Even religion has gone glamorous!
In case you do not know what glamour is, I might explain that it is a compound of sex, paint, padding and artificial lights. It came to America by way of the honky-tonk and the movie lot; got accepted by the world first, and then strutted into the Church—vain, self-admiring and contemptuous. Instead of the Spirit of God in our midst, we now have the spirit of glamour, as artificial as painted death!
Say what you will, it is a new kind of Christianity, with new concepts that face us brazenly wherever we turn within the confines of evangelical Christianity. The new Christian no longer wants to be good or saintly or virtuous!
Lord, I pray that the pastor and other leaders in my church will so humble themselves before You that nothing but the sweetness of the Lord Jesus will attract people to worship You each week.
A.W. Tozer, Mornings with Tozer, (3825 Hartzdale Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011: WingSpread Publishers, 2008), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "November 21. Glamour Instead ofGod
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