God Needs No Adjectives
I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us. Isaiah 63:7
We do not need any enlarging adjectives when we speak of God, or of His love or mercy. God Almighty fills the universe and overfills it because it is His character—infinite and unlimited!
We do not need to say God's "great" love, although we do say it. We do not need to say God's "abundant" mercy, although we do say it. I expect we say it to cheer and elevate our own thoughts of God, not to infer that there is any degree in the mercy of God.
Our adjectives can be useful only when we talk about earthly things—when we refer to the great love of a man for his family, or of a man's fabulous wealth.
But when we are speaking of God, there can be no such measuring point. When we speak of the riches of God, we must include all the riches there are! God is not less rich or more rich—He is rich! He holds all things in His being!
So it is with mercy. God is not less merciful or more merciful. Thankfully, He is full of mercy. Whatever God is, He is that in the fullness of unlimited grace!
Heavenly Father, the depth and breadth of Your attributes are beyond human measure and comprehension. God, there is no other godlike You!
A.W. Tozer, Mornings with Tozer, (3825 Hartzdale Drive Camp Hill, PA
17011: WingSpread Publishers, 2008), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under:
"July 27. God Needs No Adjectives".
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