Life Journal
As I read the suggested Bible Reading from the Life Journal this morning (Tues), I had the following thoughts:
First of all the reading was Mark 9&10. In Chapter 9, Jesus took Peter, James, and John up to the mountain where He “met” with Moses, and Elijah. I would love to know:
What did those three talk about?
How long were they there?
Why did Jesus bring Peter, James, and John?
How did they know who Moses and Elijah were? (Little red ovals with their names? Friends on Facebook?
What we do know is that the Father spoike and confirmed who Jesus really is, and that Jesus instructed them not to say anything about until after He was resurrected. We also know that Peter suggested they build three tents for them to stay in (Typical human reaction).
You know what would have happened had they been allowed to do that right? Thousands would flock to that site every year. Reports (true and otherwise) of healings, miracles, and sightings would be made regularly. Soon aritifacts would be sold (“actual” samples of the original tents, slivers of the tent pegs, t-shirts will little red ovals with your choice of “Moses” or “Elijah” printed on them. You know “real” mountaintop experience stuff.
Thank God none of that is possible today (although I read this morning that someone “found” the actual rock that Jesus’ body rested on in the tomb – really {sigh}). I really don’t believe God wants us trampling around all these “Holy” sites so that we could receive some blessing or another. Instead I believe that He would rather that we would bring a blessing everywhere we go.
Yeah, that sounds better.
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