I share a lot of these with you because even though A.W. Tozer wrote these decades ago, it fits so well in our day.  Often, when I read what he says I am not sure whether to say “Amen” or “Ouch”.  Pretty sure this one is an “Ouch”.


The Reality of Pride

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way... do I hate. Proverbs 8:13

Let me warn you of the danger and the bigotry of human pride. You will find it everywhere in the world, and it will feast on almost anything that will make it fat!

I have come to the conclusion that many people I have met are not ever going to get right with God because they have determined that they simply will not humble themselves, ever!

Pride is an awesome quality in mankind, not only in Jesus' day, but in ours as well.

I heard a newscast in which one of India's highest officials was trying to deny a report that Christian missionaries were being hindered in their work in India. He said, "We are not hindering the propagation of the Christian doctrine in India. In fact, we understand that there have actually been a few people of low caste who have believed the Christian teaching."

Oh, the rising pride in his voice as he made the statement. The helpless and the hopeless in the lowest caste—he was not going to get in their way if they wanted to believe in Christ.

Yes, the bigotry of human pride is everywhere!


Lord, sometimes pride has a way of sneaking up on me so slowly and naturally that I don't recognize it. You have my permission, Lord, to root out the pride in the dark corners of my being.



A.W. Tozer, Mornings with Tozer, (3825 Hartzdale Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011: WingSpread Publishers, 2008), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "July 23. The Reality of Pride".