When Are We Successful?
The final side of the Vision Frame is pure brilliance. In all of the Church Growth/Church Health stuff I have read and heard, no one has ever considered what we want people to look like when they walk out our door for the final time. Keeping in mind that most people do not grow up and stay in one church all their lives, nor does anyone “arrive” at perfection on this side of eternity, still having a goal for the people who come to church is a good thing. The Measures side of the frame answers the question: When are we successful? No matter how long (or short) a person is a part of Greater Life Church, we are successful when they get closer to:
Knowing our place in God’s Kingdom. That means, not only knowing what church God calls you to, but also knowing what you have to offer Him by way of gifts, skills, and abilities. In addition, know where you are best suited to serve others.
Living our lives by God’s rules. We recognize that God has a plan for us and the more we live His way, the better our lives will be.
Expressing the goodness of God’s character. Not just that He is good to us, but that He wants to be good to everyone.
Celebrating the beauty of God’s love. He has a place for us, has a plan for us and is good to us because He loves us!
Leading others into the fullness of God’s plans. Nothing God does for us is just for us alone. It is meant to be shared with the people around us. We need to be bringing the Great News to others.
The more we see these things at work in the people that come to this church, the more we know that we are successful – and that is a good thing.
See? Brilliant.
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