Bringing the Great News of a Great God to the people of the Great Basin
685 Juniper Street, Elko, NV 89801
Welcome to the Elko Greater Life Church web site! I
hope you find something in this site that will
encourage you and help in your spiritual journey.
In creating this site, our intention is to present our
church in an online format that others may benefit
from. In it you will find pictures and information
about us, activities of the church, sermon notes, pod
casts and streaming video. I hope you will feel free to
introduce yourself and let us know what you think.
More importantly, I hope you will see something of
Jesus and His great love for you - that is the reason for
this church and this web site.
Please feel free to browse, check us out, email us and
let us know you were here.
Pastor Bill
More information about the church, including service
times, is on the "About Us" page.
When you get up Sunday mornings, you may think, "Hmmmmm - maybe I should go to church." Then, "nah!" We know that not everyone has had warm, fuzzy experiences with "church." People get their feelings hurt, think some things are weird, don't know when to sit or stand, feel shy about meeting new people, and then there's that awkwardness about an offering...hmmm. But church is a time to come together, to worship God with others, and learn more about God and what He means in our lives today. Sure we can listen to a sermon online, or watch on television, but that is not “church.” Church must be more than that. It's gathering together, like a family, to talk about what's going on in our lives; and to know there are people who truly care about us. They care enough to listen to you and they care enough to challenge you. That's what we like to do at Greater Life Church. Our time together on Sunday mornings is just a start. It's a time to honor God, learn from the Bible, encourage one another, be encouraged - and then we go out to share what we have learned with our families, friends and co-workers. Come check us out and see for yourself!
If you would like to support our church financially, you may use this "DONATE" button. Thank you for your support