A Note From The Pastor
If you are visiting the Elko area, or live here and are looking for a church home, I would like to invite you to come and check us out. We try to remain sensitive to the stress of visiting a church. (See "What We Do" below - that might help!) Hopefully, you will find us friendly and sincerely interested in you. Our aim is that you will be warmly greeted and made to feel welcome.
We promise, we will not ask you to stand and introduce yourself, or embarrass you in any way. We will not ask you to serve on a committee, or become a Sunday School teacher on your first visit.
We firmly believe that God has a church home in mind for you. Your job is to find it. If by chance we are the one - GREAT! WELCOME! Feel free to become part of a great church. If ours is not the church for you, please let us know what you are looking for in a church. We are familiar with the churches in the area, and we could probably point you in the right direction.
Our mission is to partner with you to help you grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
Pastor Bill
685 Juniper Street
Elko, Nevada 89801
Sunday @ 10:00 AM - Worship Service
What We Do:
v Communion is usually the first Sunday of each month.
v Sunday School is provided for preschool kids.
v Older children and teens join us for the service upstairs.
v Prior to the worship service we hang out in and around the HeBrews Café, (Get it, get it? Yes, we're a bit corney!) for coffee and snacks.
v The Praise Team leads us in song; mostly contemporary Christian music with lyrics displayed on the front screen.
v After the service we hang out (again!) in and around the "HeBrews Café."
v Two times a month we enjoy a brunch together after service.
Our Mission:
What are we supposed to do?
"Bringing the Great News of the Great God to the people of the Great Basin"
Greater Life Church invites individuals and families to experience the intimate, loving, life-giving power of God. We do this by:
RECEIVING with open arms, all who come through our doors
RESTORING lives to the health and completeness Christ desires
RAISING UP believers to understand their place in God's Kingdom
RELEASING individuals to minister the love of Christ to others
Our Values:
Why we are doing it?
PEOPLE - People matter to God
ACCEPTANCE - We accept others as Jesus accepted us
GROWTH - Pursuing God's plans for us
FRIENDSHIP - Drawing closer to each other
LAUGHTER - We do not take ourselves too seriously
Our Measures:
When are we successful?
Knowing our place in God's Kingdom
Living our lives by God's Rules
Expressing the goodness of God's Character
Celebrating the beauty of God's Love
Leading others in the fullness of God's Plans
Our Strategy:
How are we doing it?
GROWING - Getting to know Jesus and becoming like Him
LIVING - Showing others that Jesus loves them
CONNECTING - Spending time with God and others